Mtg. Notes

October 30, 2010

P.S. Okay, so for the record I am not very good at writing. Please pardon any mistakes, or inform me.

I just wanted to share w/you some of my notes from a mtg we had on the Oct. 20th.
  • Learn what it means to be equippted, so you can do the will of God.
  • A group of young people want to go out, why should they ask? In asking, they seek out God's wisdom in that area.
  • In order to do things, we should be daily asking for God's approval.
  • We should always stay w/in His Blessing.
  • The Body of Chirst is not a Charmed people, but rather Blessed.
  • Gal 4:9 -We should strive not to drift outside of the Blessing.
  • Rev 1:12 & 2:6 -Do not continue to love the way you have, love like Chirst. -Repent or have the light (Church) be taken away. -The Church is like a lampstand.
  • Stay w/in the Blessing of the Body of Chirst.
  • Watchman Nee, -Every member needs to do their part, in order function as a Church.
  • The one and two talent people need to do their part.
  • What makes a person part of the Body of Chirst? -The Spirit of God. Do I have the Spirit of God dwelling w/in me?
  • Rom 12:3 -Do not think too highly of yourself. -Measure of the ability to exhibit.
  • 1 Cor 12:7-11, 13:2, & 14:1-4.
  • Benefit others, not yourself.
  • The Spirit of God, gives us gifts. If we are faithful of what was given, He gives more.
  • God only gives the gifts, in His timing.
  • Being part of the Church, you have to learn how the move w/Harmony.
  • Being a member of Chirst, always envoles the Cross.
  • 1 Cor 12:27
  • God does not only give us gifts to take care of others; He wants to do a work in us by the giving of that gift.
  • What do you do, for the Church? Where do you fit in?
  • Always be where God wants you.
  • Do not long to be where you are not meant to be.
  • Gifts are to serve God and others. As well as developing yourself.
  • Use your gift, do not hide it.
  • Strenght comes from the Body of Chirst.
  • Do you resent what God has called you to do?
  • Gift of help - Service.
  • Encourage others.
  • Develope your Gift.
  • 7 out of 10 of your problems will disappear, if you did what God is asking of you.
  • Eph 4:12
  • Gifts w/love.
  • Gifts of God builds charater.
  • Displine in your life.
  • Every day, I need to serve.
  • Do not wait to follow God and do His will, when you are older. Start now!
  • Those of us that think we are better than Chirst, there is another thing coming.
  • When God speaks, we need to listen. If not, then we are not often given another chance.
Well, that is what I got from the meeting. I hope it insires or convicts you, as it did for me.