So, are you ready to see what my husband replied?...
I did not know what he would say, and how it
would compare to mine. But, I will let you do the comparing :)
Money - Can he depend on you to spend
it wisely?
Yes. I know that anything spent is a needed investment for us or our children
Yes. I know that anything spent is a needed investment for us or our children
Children - Can he trust you to train your children wisely?
Yes. We are always talking and seeking God for how we are to be with them.
Home - Can he trust you to run an orderly home?
Yes. I believe you are an excellent home maker and it will be exciting to see what comes out of you if we get the chance to make a house our own home.
Reputation - Can he trust you to not speak poorly of him behind his back?
I believe anything that you have problems with you will seek advise from sisters and you will talk you me. I am trying to always be honest with you with all of my feelings on all situations.
Emotions - Can your husband trust you to be self-controlled when under pressure?
I guess I have never really seen you under pressure in anything. I do not know how you would do.
Choices - Can your husband trust you to make wise choices when urgent situations arise?
I know you know where my heart would be in urgent situations. You will be able to make any wise choices for our life and our children lives if necessary
Sept. 27, 2011
Greeting to all near and far :)
I came across this in a blog that I follow, Women Living Well ,and it stood out to me.
To see the full post, refer to the link above :)
Proverbs 31:11 says, “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.”
Proverbs 31:11 says he lacks nothing – absolutely nothing of value – if he has confidence in his wife. This means this character quality is of supreme importance.
Can your husband have confidence in you in these areas?
Money-Can he depend on you to spend it wisely? Not 100%, in which I am learning.
Nov 4, 2010
The second thing is, I am not outwardly romantic with my husband. Or maybe this should have been listed first :)
I am going on three years of being married, and I still have a hard time when he wants a hug, or even to just to hold my hand. I am not sure why, but I hope I get over it fast :)
So, I guess these notes are more for me; but I am hoping they will inspire other wives as well.
Chasah's Married Ladies Blessing
Nov 3, 2010
Notes I have taken it hopes to apply them to my life:
-Pray with your husband, Remember what God has done for you.
-"I'm In Love" Be in Love w/ God and your husband. "Where did you come from?" From your husband's rib, so protect his heart. Church is to Christ, Wife is to husband, Our husband will not measure up to Christ. But he is the Shadow of the Church to Christ.
-Give your whole heart in being married, to your husband.
-Hold onto your husband's dreams. Believe in his dreams. Show belief through your eyes.
-The wife is the help mate, not the leader. In following your husband, he will make you beautiful. Hold their heart and don't hurt it.
-Do not loose the sense of fun you have with your husband.
-Pray for your husband.
-Remember your first love, it's easy to forget, lots of distractions. We want to get answers from our husbands instead of God.
-Marriage is like a cup of coffee. First thing, you put in sugar - commitment (sweet), coffee - trials (bittersweet), difficult - ask for grace. Cream is the grace to go through the adventure. Power is perfected in weakness.
-Main character, conflict, rising actions, complications, climax, falling action. (I am not really sure how to explain this one. Think of the graphline on charting contractions.)
-Handy Guide for the married man. "Dangerous", "Safer", "Safest". (If you want more insight, comment or email, and I will try and get a copy.)
-Encourage your husband and listen to him. A wife can be there for her husband; even if she did not complete what he wanted.
-Our lives take a long time to get completed. Even when you think everthing is going just fine, God continually works on you. Likened unto road construction :) --Follow your husband as he follows God.
-Live in the Moment! Don't miss the moments. Take a sunrise or sunset for example, if you do not stay there; you will have missed a beautiful moment.
-Lay up your Heaven. (If you get a chance, you should read; Knowing the Heart of God by George McDonald.)
-Obtain your relationship through God.
-Leave notes for your husband.
Okay with that in mind, I would like to add a few more complex things to this list.
-1 Cor. 11:3-7 - God does like for the Man's head to be covered. We try to make our men to walk before God with his head covered.
-Matt. 21:18-22 - The fig tree withers.
-Christ built the Church on the one that denies Him.
-God will give your husband the strenght to not deny him again.
-Your husband is exactly where God wants him to be.
-It is the one who has endure to the end, and he will be saved.
-Endure to the End.
Being a Wife(Copied from a teaching of Noah Taylor)
Being a wife in the Body of Christ begins with the same premise of being a sister….Love and obedience to Christ first and a purposeful commitment to learning what it means to; respect your Husbands as you would the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22) There is nothing quite as repulsive to God’s nature as the abuse of authority. Men who come to Rose Creek Village possessing the “Me Tarzan …You Jane” mentality towards their wives will quickly find out how much God hates this carnal mentality. The scriptures do not state or indicate that women are to replace their relationship with God with their relationship with their husband. Both the Old and New Testaments reveal that wives are to obey the Lord irrespective of what their husbands do or say. Those who abandon their responsibility to obey the Lord because of the conduct or commands of their husbands will suffer their husband’s fate. Those follow the Lord in spite of their husbands actions will be honored.(Samuel 25:3-39) and ( Acts 5:11) Yet having said that, the same Bible (thus the Lord) demands that a wife maintain a chaste heart and respectful conduct even towards disobedient husbands. (1 Peter 3:1)