Sunday, January 16, 2011


Godincidence...I just looked up this word online.
Just to see if there is such a word; and to my surprise of course someone beat me to the punch. The definition I seem to think of would be, God Ordained Incident

So you see, before Christmas I had this notion to call my friend Becky, (who is very pregnant and is due any day, please pray for safe delivery) and I asked her if her parents lived in Nashville and if it were okay to crash the nite there. And it turns out that she and her family were headed there the following day, and would be there until after Christmas. Who would have arranged my brain to think of calling Becky?
None other than God! And I ended up calling it

Well, today it had happened again, only on a different scale. My husband and I were going down to see Tony & Marie White (dear parent like figures to me) and Elazar and I had talked about calling up our friends John & Yvonne Cullimore, to see if they wanted to go to Tupelo today. So we could let our girls play at the indoor play area. It was fun, Subria had a blast and she was actually very well behaved, especially around tons of children. I later had asked Elazar if he called, and it turned out that Elazar nor I had called John or Yvonne, due to trying to get out of the house and head that way. So, we are done with the play area and went into the bookstore, (of course we were not there long enough for my liking) to take our daughter to the restroom. And we are browsing around, trying to mind our business, when two young girls start coming our way.We look up, and Godincidence!!!! John & Yvonne were in the same bookstore as we were, and they both had forgotten their phones at home!
We stood and talked for a few, before heading out.

Now, what would you call that?!
I am not so sure I believe in Coincidence, but I do believe in Godincidence!!!
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Sunday, January 9, 2011


Have you been encouraged of how you are raising your children?

And what a difference has been noticed?

Well, I was given that chance...from Tina, a friend that I truly admire.

Tina, you do not know how much that touched me. Thank-you so much.

What Tina had spoke to me a week ago, was that she has noticed how well Subria is doing, and that we were doing a good job at raising her. And that it has been noticable. It really meant a lot to me, being so young in the whole raising children area; that it really made me to want to go after spiritual ladies and get wisdom from them.

And I want to thank everyone that has been in my life, from childhood into marriage

Thank you all!

Here is a quote that I saw awhile ago, and I laughed at it just thinking, how true it was.

"They say, "It takes a Village to raise a child", only they never told me where to find the place!" (Now, picture a young woman holding a baby in a car with her diaper bag, and looking at a map.) I found it very amusing and thought provoking, What if there really were young mothers wandering around, wanting help with raising their little one? Would you help, or just brush them off?

To read more, check this out!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just a follow up from my post of Dec 14th.

Subria did get better after two days of fever and ear aches. We gave her Congaplex and Echinacea and put some Dr. Christoper Ear & Nerve in those little ears of hers.

I did notice how little she was pulling on her ear, after two days. And Subria told me it was all better.

Although today Subria seems to be starting to fight it again. And guess what? That's right, I have already started her on those herbs again.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~A Life of Purpose~

I am not sure how to sum up my last two months, but I will try.

God has really been working on me about purpose and generally taking care of everyone around me. And trying to communicate clearly, so my language (for those of you that know me) is clear enough for others. Especially my husband :)

Generally, I am one who really focuses on getting something done, IF I put my mind to it. But in that I am really finding that I hurt people around me, with the personality that I have. And thinking about it, I look in my famous Bible and Something jumped out at me. It totally explains what I have been doing, and after reading the study topic and the Bible passage, I do not think I want to continue in that way...Rather choose to be different.

~A Life of Purpose~

2Kings 22:1-20

If your life were condensed into a short synopis - one brief sentence - what would be said of you? How our lives are summarized depends on the choices we make each day. We have a tendency to be distracted with the cares and responsibilites of life. Laundry piles up. Bills need to be paid. Children get sick. As we care for our families and do our work, it's easy to become sidetracked from our primary purpose: pleasing God. It is easier to give lip service to spiritual things than to stay on course, keeping in step with the Spirit.

So how will you be remembered? What will be said of you? Most important, how will God Summarize your life?

Just a few questions:

What is one sentence you could use to summarize your life so far?

What might God want to change in your life so that your life summary will be different?

What steps will you take today to walk in God's way?

Word to take with you today: Purpose (Although I think it should be, God's Purpose)

Now I hope to post more this week, I should be better at staying on track. It really is amazing to wonder what God does think of you and what you are doing. It very eye opening to read that passage. You can do everything you are "Supossed to do" and not be doing God's Purpose. That is something I need to really focus on.

I hope this is encouraging to you as well as I found it to be...