Sunday, January 9, 2011


Have you been encouraged of how you are raising your children?

And what a difference has been noticed?

Well, I was given that chance...from Tina, a friend that I truly admire.

Tina, you do not know how much that touched me. Thank-you so much.

What Tina had spoke to me a week ago, was that she has noticed how well Subria is doing, and that we were doing a good job at raising her. And that it has been noticable. It really meant a lot to me, being so young in the whole raising children area; that it really made me to want to go after spiritual ladies and get wisdom from them.

And I want to thank everyone that has been in my life, from childhood into marriage

Thank you all!

Here is a quote that I saw awhile ago, and I laughed at it just thinking, how true it was.

"They say, "It takes a Village to raise a child", only they never told me where to find the place!" (Now, picture a young woman holding a baby in a car with her diaper bag, and looking at a map.) I found it very amusing and thought provoking, What if there really were young mothers wandering around, wanting help with raising their little one? Would you help, or just brush them off?

To read more, check this out!


  1. Dylanna,
    What a delight your blog is! It makes me smile! Yes, sometimes it's overwhelming to try to keep up with everyone's, but with the addition of Friend Feed (Thank you Atlanta!), where updates drop into my Google Read, it's much much easier. I even called someone tonight, just because of how your entry blessed me, (this someone says, "I don't read blogs"), and said, "you really need to get Google Read and be on the lookout for the short sweet blogs that bless, like Dylanna's just did!" I guess my favorite part was the challenging question at the end. Wow, I do believe that one will stick with me. I hope so. Next time I'm in Walmart. Where's the mama who wishes she knew where that village was? Take the time to express some love...
    Love you Dyl --- Hashachar

  2. Dylanna, as always, I love your refreshing writing style. I love your cadid transparency. Keep it coming. ~Hannah

  3. I love you sis and I am sooo proud of you. You have done something no one in our family has done. I am so glad I can call you my sister and look up to you.

  4. Hashachar: Thanks so much, I hardly know what I am writing when I do. I guess God just gives it to me. Btw, what is the "Friend Feed" are you talking about?

    Hannah: I am not really sure I know what "Cadid transparency" is, but I will assume it is a compliement:) Thanks a lot. And P.S. Tina is not the only one that I admire...HINT :)I have lots.

    Tammy: I love you too, hope I can be someone worth following. I am not totally sure what you mean about "You have done something no one in our family has done" But, lets not go in those directions. We are where God has us, now we must grow and take care of those He has put in front of us. And Always Endeavour to keep our gaze fixed on His face, so we can see His Pleasure or Displeasure.
